
IF (U)


Book Tickets

Saturday 6 Jul 202414:00 Book Now

Ever wondered what happened to your old

childhood imaginary friend? Find out in this

wondrous and anarchic Ryan Reynolds starring


Kids grow up, for better and worse. But where

does that leave the hoards of imaginary friends

who helped us through childhood? After a tough

incident in her own early life, Bea (Cailey Flemming)

starts seeing these unwanted and abandoned

imaginary friends, or IFs, wandering alone. And

as the only other person to share her vision, Cal

(Reynolds) works with Bea to partner the IFs with

a new generation of kids, including Blue (voice of

Steve Carrell) who looks like a less creepy version of

Grimace from McDonalds.

Imaginary friends are adorable and all those things,

but they’re also time capsules of your hopes, dreams

and ambitions when you were at your most innocent

and imaginative, and part of that never really goes

away. The film whimsically reminds us that there’s a

part of us that will never truly grow up. For adults, IF

is an endearing mishmash of nineties fantasy films

and those old cartoons you remember so dearly. For

kids it’s a colourful treat.