
The Matrix (15)

The Matrix

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Friday 21 Jun 202419:30 Book Now

Another one of those monumental releases that influenced a generation of films and filmmakers alike, The Matrix still stands as a pop-culture icon, two decades on.

Itself heavily inspired by cyberpunk novels, asian cinema, and religion, the Wachowski’s genre-melding thriller is also now regarded as a parable for trans rights. There’s a lot going under the hood, not least the numerous philosophical musings. On the surface however, is a kick-ass sci-fi adventure, with the only dated aspect being the over abundance of black leather and PVC (but that only adds to its underground appeal).

The Matrix embodies a delicious paradox: using technology, it tells its story of mankind's near destruction brought about by our reliance on, you guessed it, technology. The idea that our world is an elaborate simulation meant to divert us from the knowledge that our bodies are being enslaved and harvested for energy by sentient computers is at once heady, ridiculous and supremely clever. But when the action kicks in, you’ll witness gravity defying feats only this film can provide. So take the red pill and jump in. (Jack Whiting)